We're your team in difficult times

Few Words About Us

Why Choose Us?

We know that our clients are the key to our success.

Global Easymed is a South African-based medical evacuation agency. The company facilitates the medical logistic for African and international patients seeking medical treatment, medical check-up and medical follow-up by specialists/hospitals/clinics in South Africa, India, Tunisia, as well as in Israel for special cases. Thus, helping them to take advantage of the quality and availability of certain specialized medical services/procedures in these countries, which are not always available in their country of origin. The company ensures that you receive the right treatment at an affordable price from renowned South African hospitals and renowned specialists. The company supports you from identification to medical care, including correspondence and follow-up with specialists in South Africa, India, Tunisia and Israel. Our assistance also includes medical visa facilitation, accommodation, catering, interpreting during medical visits, medical and hotel shuttle, concierge and medical tourism. We intend to be your first point of contact for any medical consumable and medical equipment need, by leveraging on our extensive global network of suppliers and manufacturers. Furthermore, our services are extended to vacations, summer camps, honeymoons, business or work stays.

Our Mission

Provide high quality services with unquestionable integrity and acuity. Provide efficient and affordable medical services. Respond to the specific needs of our patients and businesses partners.

Our Vision

To be the world number one in medical logistics.

Our Values

Customer obsession

Integrity and ethic

Accountability and empathy



Our Conviction

We believe in the sanctity of human life, and we believe in the healing hand of God. So it is said that as long as man breathes there is life, and as long as there is life there is hope. We exist simply because life is priceless!

how it works

Medical Evacuation and logistic services

After receiving the medical file from your attending physician, and after consultation with several specialists in South Africa, Tunisia or Israel, we issue a quote including information on the specialist, the hospital or the clinic, as well as the medical procedure. This will also include an estimation of the duration of the treatment. An estimate of the cost of treatment as well as other costs related to the patient’s medical stay such as visa, plane ticket, accommodation, meals, patient transport are also provided. The appointment is made with the specialist and the logistics related to the treatment are set up with the hospital once a partial / full payment of the costs has been received.

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